Varicose Vein Las Vegas


Our veins work tirelessly to carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. And unlike their thicker, larger more muscular circulatory relatives the arteries “veins” are incredibly thin and very stretchy. When they become too stretchy they can’t perform their blood returning responsibilities well and the veins valves struggle to close properly, so blood starts flowing backwards and that is when the first signs of vein disease the “ness” feelings start.

The “Ness” feelings of vein disease:

  • Tiredness
  • Heaviness
  • Achiness
  • Restlessness
  • Itchiness

Veins are part of your circulatory system, which includes arteries and other blood vessels. They help deliver blood from your body and lungs back to the heart, and from there oxygen and nutrients go to every cell in your body. A balanced diet is important to help keep your veins healthy.

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be blue, red, purple or flesh-colored. They often look like ropes and appear twisted and bulging. Spider veins are like varicose veins, but very tiny. Varicose veins and spider veins usually appear in the legs and can cause pain, swelling, fatigue, ulcers or an itchy rash. Varicose veins and spider veins are treatable.

If you’re one of the more than 40 million Americans stuck dealing with varicose veins, you know they can be more than just a cosmetic issue! They can be downright painful and if left untreated they will progressively get worsened. Fortunately, there are a number of simple lifestyle changes that can help people with varicose veins better manage their pain, and even prevent additional varicose veins from developing.

Steps to take to prevent varicose veins

Not all varicose and spider veins can be prevented. But, there are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of getting new varicose veins. These same things can help the ones you already have:

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly to improve your leg strength, circulation, and vein strength. Focus on exercises that work your legs, such as walking or running. Keeping your veins healthy can be as painless as taking a 20-minute walk twice weekly, or choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator  regular, moderate physical activity burns excess calories, which helps prevent additional weight gain and can even lead to weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight will go a long way in preventing vein-related issues — in fact, women who are moderately overweight are 50% more likely to develop varicose veins than women who are not overweight. Let’s stay healthy!

According to current guidelines, you should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity physical activity, such as walking briskly or bicycling. More exercise or more strenuous activity will provide even more benefits.

In addition to exercising regularly, try to stand up and move around every 30 minutes during the day. This can include:

  • Going for a short walk
  • Doing some simple yoga poses
  • Climbing stairs in between meetings
  • Walking to the printer or to your coworker’s office
  • Getting off the bus or subway one stop early

If you can’t move around that often —or are flying on an airplane—try flexing the muscles of your legs and wiggling your toes to increase the flow of blood from your legs.

If you alternate between sitting and standing, remember that standing still for long periods of time can also increase your risk of varicose veins. Remember to move around every half hour, whether you are sitting or standing.

Also, try to keep your feet elevated while seated, such as by resting them on a stool or block. You can do this at work or while watching television or reading on the couch at home.

And whenever possible, elevate your legs above the level of your heart for a few minutes several times during the day. For example, lie down with your legs resting on pillows or with your feet on the wall.

Not only will moving around more during the day reduce your risk of varicose veins, it is also good for your heart and will increase the number of calories that you burn. So if in doubt, move about.

Don’t sit for a long period of time

Many people spend a lot of time sitting during the day. Some do it at their desks, on their daily commute or while relaxing at home. Taking a load off your feet can be relaxing, but sitting too much can increase your risk of getting varicose veins— not to mention being bad for your heart health. Reducing your risk of developing varicose veins or keeping them from becoming worse doesn’t mean giving up sitting. But it does mean becoming more active throughout the day.

Weight management

Control your weight to avoid placing too much  pressure on your legs.

Elevate the legs

Elevate your legs when resting as much as possible. If you work a job that you stand all day take breaks to elevate your legs. If your job doesn’t entail a great deal of mobility, you should make a concerted effort to change up your position multiple times throughout the day. Sitting or standing in the same position for prolonged periods of time can cause blood to pool in the veins in your legs, which over time could cause varicose veins to appear. Make sure that you’re flexing or bending your legs multiple times throughout the day to keep your blood circulating.

Compression stockings

Wear elastic support stockings (With your doctor’s prescription).  When symptoms are mils, home remedies can be considered. these include wearing compression stockings for daily wear to improve the blood flow.

Low salt  and high fiber diet

Eat a low-salt diet rich in high-fiber foods. Eating fiber reduces the chances of constipation, which can contribute to varicose veins. High-fiber foods include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, like bran. Eating less salt can help with the swelling that comes with varicose veins.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the top choices for getting plenty of bioflavonoid in a diet. Here are some of the most popular ways to get the most of these essential nutritional elements.

Red bell peppers or sweet peppers, Strawberries, Citrus fruits, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Tropical fruits – mango, papaya, Garlic, Spinach, Teas

Vitamin-rich foods are always more effective in their raw form. Be aware of the difference between buying and using fresh produce and eating canned, cooked or processed foods. Look for colorful fresh fruits, and vegetables to benefit from a diet that will contribute to your health in many ways.

Fiber is essential for balanced nutrition and normal digestive function. It also helps reduce the risk of other disorders such as high cholesterol, which can affect the vascular system.

A high-fiber diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent varicose veins.

Fill up on fiber-rich grains to reach a suggested intake of 21-25 grams per day for women and 30-38 grams per day for men.

Replace white flour with whole wheat flour which contains all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber originally present in the grain.

Replace sugary snacks with fruit; the boost of antioxidants will reinforce your veins, and the extra fiber helps maintain your weight and keeps you full longer.

Other super sources of grain-based fibers include oatmeal, barley, brown rice and air-popped popcorn.

Avoid standing for a prolonged period of time

If you have to stand on your legs for a long period of time, because of your job, then get up and walk around often…

Have you been thinking about getting a second opinion on your leg veins 

Dr. Sassan Kaveh will help let us get you confident again. At the Alpha Vein Clinic Las Vegas we will treat the underlying cause of your vein problems and leg pain. 

Dr. Sassan Kaveh at the Alpha Vein Clinic in Las Vegas specializes in diagnosing and treating your vein health and vein disease. He and his knowledgeable staff can evaluate your symptoms and determine which treatment is right for you.

. Our clinic offers the latest and minimally invasive treatments and we also have the new VenaSeal procedure to make vein treatment simple and quick it is covered by most major medical insurance carriers. Call our office today and take your first step to healthier legs!

Call today and let us make your worries a thing of the past at (702) 430 7661. We will be excited to hear from you and ease your leg pain.

Alpha Vein Clinic

3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 400

Las Vegas, NV, 89128

(702) 430 7661

Dr. Sassan Kaveh

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