Heart Health and Vein Disease in Legs

Many patients have asked if the vein health issues, such as Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), are a sign of an underlying heart issue. This is a fair assumption as the heart is designed to pump blood through out bodies to supply oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues, and our veins work to ensure proper blood circulation.

The symptoms of CVI do indicate a problem with blood flow within the body, although, that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an issue with your heart health. However, patients with cardiovascular disease who also have varicose veins and other risk factors such as high blood pressure, too much water retention and/or cognitive heart failure may be more susceptible to swelling in the legs, skin breakdown and infections in the skin that may occur from varicose veins.

Also, if you are at risk for blood clots and/or have ever experienced DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which refers to blood clots in the deep veins of the legs, you may have damaged valves that cause CVI.

What is Chronic Venous Insufficiency?

Healthy veins contain valves that open and close to efficiently allow blood flow to return to the heart. If a valve becomes weak or damaged, it makes it difficult for the blood to flow upwards and puts pressure on the vein.

These faulty veins can lead to Chronic Venous Insufficiency, which causes blood to pool in the legs and veins to swell, often resulting in uncomfortable leg pain and varicose veins. You may experience a combination of the following symptoms if you suffer from CVI:

  • Twisted or bulging veins
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Swelling, aching or heaviness in the lower body
  • Itching or burning sensations in the legs
  • Leg cramps, more commonly known as Charley Horses
  • Restless legs

CVI Risk Factors

There are many factors that contribute to CVI such as age, gender, family history of vein health issues, pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged sitting or standing.

Treatment Options

If caught in the early stages, there are a number of easy changes you can make to promote proper vein health such as exercise, the use of compression stockings, and weight loss. However, if your condition requires treatment from a vein specialist, minimally invasive procedures such as Radio Frequency (RF) Ablation and ClariVein (on of the newest procedures available) can be performed.

RF Ablation is a popular treatment for CVI that’s covered by most insurance providers. The treatment involves the insertion of a thin, flexible tube called a catheter into a diseased vein to seal it shut using controlled heat. The procedure is relatively painless with minimal recovery time.

ClariVein is a form of Mechanical Occlusion Chemically Assisted therapy, or MOCA. It is a gentle treatment although still effective in eliminating even the most unsightly veins. ClariVein uses mechanical agitation of the vein’s lining, followed by the injections of a solution to permanently close the vein. All of this is done through a single pin-sized incision in the lower leg. Most patients get back to their everyday routine the very next day or even the same day.

If you have cardiovascular disease and have been experiencing leg pain, it might be linked to an underlying vein issue, call our office at (702) 430-7661 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sassan Kaeh. Along with his knowledgeable staff, Dr. Kaveh can provide a thorough evaluation to identify your diseased veins and recommend a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

Alpha Vein Clinic


3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 400

Las Vegas, NV, 89128

(702) 430 7661

Dr. Sassan Kaveh

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