Your painful veins are trying to tell you something

Health is becoming more of a hot topic everyday. We are constantly striving to achieve a lifestyle that leads to better health. One of the keys to great health is to listen to our bodies. If we fail to do this, consequences can be potentially serious. Varicose veins, for instance, affect 40 million Americans and occur beneath the surface of the skin although its symptoms are often ignored. Pain and itching could be your body’s way of telling you that your veins are not working properly. It is important to listen to these vital pathways and to understand what your veins are telling you because there are potential health hazards that can be avoided.

What to look out for

Varicose veins can result in painful symptoms. Blood is pooling in these veins because valves in the vein walls are not properly pushing blood back up the legs to the heart. Symptoms are extremely important to watch out for.

If you are having vein dysfunction in your legs you will experience:

  • skin burning and itching
  • a heavy feeling like weights are in your ankles
  • swelling
  • skin color or texture changes
  • cramps, aches or pains

These symptoms are your veins way of asking for help. Varicose veins bulge and twist on the skin’s surface and appear blue, purple or red. Appearance of varicose veins is also an obvious sign to look out for.

The main risk factors for developing varicose veins include:

  • age
  • genetics
  • pregnancy
  • standing for lengthy periods of time
  • hormonal changes

Potential Risks

The more serious consequences of varicose veins include ulcers and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). When blood begins to pool in the veins it can clot. Imagine the difference between a river running steadily and a stagnant pool. Blood clots in superficial veins are called phlebitis. Phlebitis is painful, and dangerous if the clot moves into a deep vein. This type of clot is Deep Vein Thrombosis. If a DVT clot breaks off into the bloodstream to the lungs, it causes a pulmonary embolism. This blockage is potentially life-threatening. The affected veins can also cause darkening of the skin, typically near the ankle. In these cases the patient may develop painful venous leg ulcers. Listen to your body so that ulcers and DVT don’t have a fighting chance to develop.

If you suffer from any of the symptoms discussed, your body is trying to tell you something. Don’t ignore the signs of this progressive disease and allow it to get any worse. The potential consequences and harsh symptoms can be eradicated with vein treatment. At Alpha Vein Clinic, we offer the most up to date treatments including Radiofrequency Ablation and ClariVein. Our physician, Dr. Sassan Kaveh can provide a thorough examination and accurately diagnose your vein disease. Treatment is minimally invasive, with little down time and can have you back at work within a couple of days. Best of all, most medical insurance companies consider treatment a medical necessity and will cover part or all of the cost depending on your plan. There is no need to wait to seek treatment, call Alpha Vein Clinic in Las Vegas today at (702) 430 7661.

Alpha Vein Clinic

Vein Clinic Las Vegas

3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 400

Las Vegas, NV, 89128

(702) 430 7661

Dr. Sassan Kaveh

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