If you’re suffering from leg pains, swelling of the feet, ankle pains, leg heaviness, leg fatigue, skin discoloration, leg ulcers, restless legs, or general leg discomfort, the problems might be indicative of a more serious underlying condition called Chronic Venous Insufficiency. We invite you to the Las Vegas Vein clinic of Dr. Sassan Kaveh, a top rated Vein Doctor in Las Vegas.

What Causes Leg Pain?

Although, there are potentially many reasons for pain in the legs, it is important to note that none are normal part of aging and, hence, need to be investigated.


Leg pain can be caused by abnormalities in muscles, bones, nerves or blood circulation. Most medical practitioners do a very good job investigating causes that relate to the bones, nerves, muscles and even the arterial circulation. A very common and agonizing cause of pain in legs that is not well understood by most doctors is poor circulation of blood in the veins causing Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).


Leg pain caused by CVI is typically worse after prolonged standing or sitting. In advanced cases, the pain may be constant and even excruciating , interfering with moving around or walking. This would be in contrast to peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Patients with PAD most commonly have calf pain with walking and resolution of the pain after stopping for only a few minutes.


Venous insufficiency is a progressive medical condition in which the valves that allow the blood to travel from the legs to the heart no longer function. This can cause blood to pool in the legs causing veins to swell. The incorrect blood flow (or reflux) causes the blood to seep into the tissues and cause leg pain.


Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) of lower extremities can often present with complaints of leg cramps, fatigue, swelling, restless legs, and varicose or spider veins, in addition to the leg pain or ache . In more advanced cases, skin discoloration (Stasis Dermatitis) and skin hardening (fibrosis and panniculitis) as well as dreadful ulcerations (Venous Ulcers) may develop.

What are Symptoms of Leg Pain?

The symptoms of leg pain and leg problems include but are not limited to:

If you exhibit any of these symptoms, it is important to visit a leg pain doctor who can assess your situation and make a recommendation for care. Do not let these symptoms go without consulting with a vein specialist —as they may be indicative of a more serious condition or underlying vein disease.

Treatments for Leg Pain?

Leg pains can be signs of underlying venous diseases, related to problematic veins in the legs. Since the valves in the legs cannot be repaired, the only alternative is to re-route blood flow from the diseased veins to healthy veins.


Traditionally, this has been done by surgically removing (stripping) the troublesome vein from your leg. Advances in technology, however, provide less intrusive options that allow you to recover quickly and with less pain than traditional surgery.


These treatments include Radio Frequency Ablation, ClariVein Ablation or VenaSeal. Radio Frequency Ablation uses a highly specialized catheter to be inserted into the vein in order to cauterize the bad vein and close it off forever. Accordingly, the better and healthier veins will take over.


The VenaSeal™ closure system is the only non-tumescent, non-thermal, non-sclerosant procedure that uses a proprietary medical adhesive delivered endovenously to close the vein.


ClariVein however, uses a combination of chemical and mechanical rotation to shut off the vein.


If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, there’s really no reason to wait. At Alpha Vein Clinic we can conduct an assessment to pinpoint the root of your problem and help you form the best plan to address it. Today’s vein treatment options require little-to-no recovery time and are covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

When Should You See a Vein Doctor for Leg Pain?

Most cases of leg pain go away either on their own or with self-care measures. However, there are cases that warrant a visit to a vein doctor for prompt intervention. A vein doctor specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all leg pain issues caused by Chronic Venous Insufficiency.
The question is when should you see a vein doctor for your leg pain? You should see a vein doctor if your leg pain is accompanied by any of the following problems:
  • problems with your blood vessels — such as a blood clot, or poor blood flow
  • varicose veins
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Leg cramps or charley horses
  • Leg heaviness
  • Itching of the legs
  • Leg ulcers
  • Stasis dermatitis
  • Skin discoloration

How Do I know If my Leg Pain is Vascular or Muscular?

There’s a wide variety of causes for leg pain. For example, any problem or abnormality with the bones, muscles, tissues, nerves, or circulation can cause leg pain. Straining or overusing the leg muscles can cause pain, as can injury to the leg or problems with the spine. Blood clots, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and deep vein thrombosis can also cause leg pain.

Most medical practitioners do a very good job investigating causes that relate to the bones, nerves, muscles and even the arterial circulation. A very common and agonizing cause of leg pain that is not well understood by most doctors is poor circulation of blood in the veins causing Chronic Veinous Insufficiency (CVI). But our vein doctor here at Alpha Vein Clinic can easily diagnose your CVI with an ultrasound of your legs. Leg pain caused by CVI is typically worse after prolonged standing or sitting.

Temporary vs. Chronic Causes of Leg Pain:

Leg pain may or may not indicate a serious underlying medical condition. In fact, it’s sometimes caused by something relatively harmless that will soon pass. For example, if you sat in an uncomfortable or unnatural position for an extended period, you may have leg pain when you try to stand up. If the cause is temporary, you’ll likely know, because it will follow something specific such as exercising. Also, it should pass within a few hours or a day or two.

However, if the leg pain is recurrent or chronic, and doesn’t occur after something specific, there’s a good chance there’s an underlying medical cause. That’s when you should see a vein doctor. It could be a problem with the veins, such as venous insufficiency. With this condition, the valves that transport blood from the feet to the heart cease functioning properly. This can cause blood to pool in the legs as well as seep into the tissues, which in turn causes leg pain.

Venous insufficiency is very nicely treatable through a few simple in-office and only minimally invasive procedures. It is performed under local anesthesia and is well covered by most insurance companies.

When to See a Vein Doctor for Leg Pain:

It’s recommended to consult a vein doctor about leg pain, even if it isn’t severe. It could still indicate an underlying health problem, and the sooner you get it diagnosed and treated the better it is. Also, definitely see a doctor if you have signs of infection, such as a temperature. Other signs that indicate a potential emergency or serious situation include: your leg appearing pale, if it’s either warm or cool to the touch, if it’s tender or swollen, if both legs are swollen, or if the pain continues to get worse with no apparent cause.

Diagnosing Leg Pain:

Your doctor will likely start with a thorough visual examination, and possibly recommend X-Rays or bloodwork or Ultrasound if there’s no obvious cause. He or she will also want to know any medications you’ve been taking or activities you’ve recently engaged in to determine if they could be the cause.

At Alpha Vein Clinic, we have experience and expertise in treating leg pain, whether it is vein related or not. For a knowledgeable, expert diagnosis on the cause of your leg pain, make an appointment with our vein doctor today, so we can create a treatment plan customized to your needs.

Leg Pain Doctor in Las Vegas

Dr. Kaveh Las Vegas
Dr. Sassan Kaveh is a primary care physician with certification in vein treatments for all sorts of leg pain in Las Vegas who can asset your situation and recommend a plan for action. If you are suffering from chronic leg pain and discomfort in your legs we’d like to hear from you and see how we can help.
If you or your loved ones would like more information, please contact us or call 702-233-6661.
Leg Pain Solutions
Healthy Vein Flow
Damaged Varicose Vein