The ClariVein Technique
The ClariVein Technique:
MOCA™ varicose vein treatments using the ClariVein catheter has many advantages over existing Laser or Radiofrequency techniques including:
- MOCA (Mechanical Occlusion Chemically Assisted) uses mechanical agitation of the lining of the vein together with a sclerosing chemical to glue the vessel closed
- Effective and safe technique with no pain
- Minimal discomfort & negligible bruising
- No risk of thermal (heat) damage as there may be with techniques such as laser or radiofrequency ablation
- No risk of nerve or skin damage
- No multiple needle stick injuries (no tumescent anaesthetic is required)
- No internal leg pressure
- Rapid return to normal activities
Greatly Reduced Pain Levels, Minimal Discomfort & Minimal Bruising:
Compared to other similar techniques (laser or radiofrequency), there are greatly reduced pain levels, discomfort and bruising during and post procedure. This is due to the way that ClariVein works, ie, it disrupts the lining of the vein (the endothelial) allowing the highly effective use of a drug which is used to close the vein.
Thermal techniques such as laser or radiofrequency use heat to destroy the vein, and as a result can cause some trauma & hence much of the pain and bruising associated with these techniques.
During a ClariVein procedure, the patient could feel a “buzzing” in their leg which is not painful. There is also a quick return to normal activities.
Zero Risk of Thermal Injury:
ClariVein generates no heat, therefore there is no risk of thermal injury which there is with other techniques. As a result there is no risk of nerve injury with ClariVein which reduces the risks associated with the procedure.
No Need For Tumescent Anaesthetic:
The lack of heat during a ClariVein procedure means there is no need for the use of tumescent anaesthetic. This is potentially an uncomfortable part of the procedure due to multiple needle sticks and the internal pressure of the anaesthetic on the leg (usually between 250ml and 400ml of fluid are pumped into the leg causing it to swell).
With lasers and radio frequency, tumescent anaesthetic is an essential part of the procedure as it prevents heat reaching into the body and causing thermal injury. With ClariVein, this is not needed so the risk of it not being done well is completely eliminated.
Clinical Results:
There is currently 2 year data on the effectiveness of the technique, which shows results at least as good as both laser and radio frequency. All the indications are that ClariVein will provide a safe, effective and lasting technique for the treatment of varicose veins.
The device is FDA approved and CE marked.
In Summary:
For 350 years varicose veins have been treated with a surgical technique. For 10 years laser and radio frequency took over. Now there’s MOCA™ varicose vein treatment using the ClariVein catheter. ClariVein procedure which is now covered by a lot more insurances rather than only Medicare, it is most certainly the future of varicose vein treatment.
Vein procedures are performed by many different specialists, including dermatologists, interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, and plastic surgeons based in hospitals or medical centers. Specialized vein treatment centers like the Alpha Vein Clinic specialize in leg pain and vein disease. We will give you an ultrasound to check for underlying problems in the deeper leg veins. We will also address complications or unexpected findings or refer you to someone who can. Come into our beautiful Las Vegas office or call us today at (702) 430 7661. Let us get you started on a path to recovery now. You don’t have to suffer anymore with the Alpha Vein Clinic.
Alpha Vein Clinic
3150 N. Tenaya Way Ste. 400
Las Vegas, NV, 89128
(702) 430 7661
Dr. Sassan Kaveh
You Can Now Call Us 24/7