Varicose Veins During Pregnancy
Many women will agree that varicose veins are one of the downfalls of pregnancy. While not every expecting mother will get them, they never receive a warm welcome. They’re ugly, uncomfortable, and can cause aches and pains in your legs. What they are, why they show up, and how to get rid of them are questions every pregnant woman wants answers to.
What causes varicose veins during pregnancy?
Varicose veins are very common, especially among pregnant women. Hormones can play a large role, which is why more women are susceptible during pregnancy. With the added progesterone and fluctuation of hormones as the body adjusts to support more than one body, veins can become stressed.
When you’re pregnant, your body produces more blood. The extra blood makes it harder for your body to pump blood from your legs to heart and back again, pushing against gravity. It strains your blood vessels. In turn, your body produces purplish-blue bulging veins in your legs where vein valves and walls are weak.
They’re most common in the calves, but can travel as high as your thighs, rectum, and vulva. This is why many women are prone to hemorrhoids during pregnancy. They’re nothing more than inflamed veins.
Symptoms tend to worsen at the end of the day, especially if you’re on your feet all day. This is because our feet are elevated while we sleep. Once we wake up, we tend to spend long periods of time on our feet. We strain the veins pumping blood to our hearts. It’s usually recommended expecting mother don’t spend a lot of time on their feet; this is one of the reasons.
While pregnant, make sure your practitioner knows you have varicose veins. There is a slight chance they can inflame and cause blood clots.
Will I get varicose veins if I’m pregnant?
It is highly likely you will get varicose veins while pregnant. Age, family history, hormones, and how often and long you stand are also contributing factors. If you didn’t get them with your first pregnancy, you’re more likely to get them during any future pregnancies.
Many women see them pop up around 29 weeks into pregnancy, but a number of other factors can cause exceptions. There’s a chance you may never get them. Each pregnancy increases your risk of varicose veins. Age can be a large factor as well.
Will they disappear after pregnancy?
Many first-time mothers will discover their varicose veins disappear after they give birth. Your body has less blood to pump, and doesn’t have to strain as much. Some women discover their inflamed veins begin to disappear 6 weeks to several months after the event; however, this isn’t a golden rule.
Luckily, if your varicose veins don’t disappear, there are treatment options available, such as RF ablation or MOCA, which can seal the veins. Treatment is quick, easy, and affordable with the latest technology.
To eliminate these symptoms, there are treatments available. Contact Dr. Sassan Kaveh at Alpha Vein Clinic, who is an expert in treating varicose veins. Call (702) 430-7661 to learn more about what treatment options are available for you.